All Games by URGames
Memory Swimwear Memory Swimwear

Fun game of memory with swimwear.
Crazy Boxes Crazy Boxes

Very hard puzzle game. Can you turn the box red?
Quick Rotation Quick Rotation

Can you rotate the screen to finish the code?
UR Checkers UR Checkers

Nice game of checkers.
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01. Wheels of Salvation - 9.99
02. Easy Chess - 9.99
03. Alien Abduction - 9.00
04. Gravity - 7.00
05. Zed - 7.00
06. Hostile Skies - 5.00
07. Lucky Balls - 5.00
08. Sub Commander - 3.00
09. Air Dodge - 3.00
10. Fly Plane - 3.00
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01. Xtreme Skateboarding - 83465
02. Snowboarder XS - 61159
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04. Wheels of Salvation - 4206
05. Sonic - 3720
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07. Slingshot - 3018
08. Zelda - 2788
09. Jail Escape - 2786
10. Alien Abduction - 2730
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